When I look at a woman, in a fascination way, or with a inexplicable interest, what I am looking for, is not the woman, but what in me, by using her picture, I create in me as the mind, as energy of feelings and emotions.
The keys that ignite this, are words. Words existing in my mind. Words that I gave meaning to. The most prominent of this words is... Beauty.
Something that is real, is something that is constant and equal, no matter what.
Those key-words like Beauty for instance, by themselves are not something that do actually exist physically tangibly equal.
Beauty. It is a word only. An adjective. I can not say that beauty is something actually real.
For instance. My beauty is not the same as someone else's beauty. Beauty is so mental that it varies with personality. Even one person can change it's beauty values standards according to the distinction as that affirmation EGO, gives him at that time (in his mind). The common sense about it exists but it is right in our faces so we don't see it. The saying: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder", is rather old.
It is common sense to realize that. Beauty is currently a manifestation of extensive separation. All of it is based on pictures. The pictures of who we perceive ourselves to be, all end at death.
So when I see a woman and I feel like this pull, a desire to look "into" her body, what I am really feeling is the desire to generate energy in my mind consciousness system. By design this is why the mind exists - to satisfy the belief/intent of generation of energy.
The belief that we need energy (feelings and emotions), came from the intent of experiencing energy (feelings and emotions). That, in turn, derived from the knowledge that we could do it (thoughts as consciousness). So what did? We create the mind consciousness system to be able to experience the feelings and emotions.
We changed who we are for the sake of energy.
What rules that are real is that free choice subdue to? Law of balance. So Polarity is created. We are unable to have energy going without it's polarities. Good and Bad.
In all of this; Equality is who we really are. The polarity creates nothing but abuse and suffering for some. Millions in fact! Only a few can live the good. And this is transverse "into" all points of this existence.
By living as the mind consciousness systems, we do whatever required to keep the polarity going. That this get us to destruction, simply because who we trully are is of Equality.
By looking at our world of jobs (generating energy as money) and perfection (having a perfect life with lots of beauty everywhere), and seeing that it is not getting how we desire to, on the contrary it is destroying itself, we can start to realize some of the consequences of allowing to have systems of polarity to be created while we believe we are enslaved to them.
Beauty is one the keys of this systems.
Ugliness and suffering is also created, separation is created as long as we align ourselves to beauty.
This self-dishonesty is not acceptable.