terça-feira, julho 10, 2012

Lack of money makes you greedy spiteful fearful and abusive. And so does too much of it.

Just Imagine... How greedy one is when one has kids without knowing how to do it. Interestingly enough, the knowledge required to do it, most times, is as big as ones wallet. All right, so education of a family is proportional to the money available to the family. All Look's Naturally Outrageous!!

Perhaps governments deliberately wanting people to be dumb by not caring for the money they have? In fact governments are creating a problem with austerity to then come with the solution and then "look" like they deserve a reward for presenting solutions. I don't see any family correcting itself with austerity. I mean yes there are very dysfunctional families. That simply does not happen. Austerity only works well for the sake of self-interest and abuse. I know that for a fact in my life and the people I know. The austrity thing came to be an abusive way to dysfunctional families to try and educate their children. Likewise it is done by the governmental "families", to try to fix the debt that is being created by all the families. So. What are the differences really?

With austerity we are teaching self-interest, and for me that is entitled to be considered a crime against humanity. I see that when i feel pressured as when i see that there are points of my  self-interest being challenged i change to be more austere against that that is challenging my self interest. Governments are doing the same!! They are mirrors of who we are.

Austerity should be criminalized as it is an action performed out of ignorance and self-interest of wanting to stabilize that that we are negatively polarizing/charging in our lives/world, because what we want is best for ourselves but we don't realize that for us to have what is best for ourselves, others can't get it. Most times what i want for me implies others to be in a inferior position so that i can feel satisfied with it. Same do polititians.

We should really start considering what is best for all, as what is best for all does not benefit some while allowing abuse of others, whatever that might be. It's a principle.

We need to reach agreements of what is best for all. Not doing so is in fact crime, it creates crime in society and aggression inside our families. I real world. it creates a lot of crying in peoples face that thrive to survive in ignorance about what they are doing and what is being done to them and what they are doing about it.
Most of us are using and teaching austerity as an acceptable way of dealing with problems. Now we have our whole world reflecting it, for us to realize that it does not works in our best interest, It works, barely, to whom is more proactive and less reactive, and makes himself busy defending his own self-interest. It's a form of invisible-crime, i mean, some living and letting others die. Great! What a mess. Maybe that is also the value we are teaching our children and they don't know it, and in the future they will use it for their own self-interest. Looks plain simple self-destruction of the future of this world.

Specifically everyone is busy creating a picture that everyone unconsciously likes. "My picture is better than yours", so everyone is a picture, not a real thing, not a real being, yet they are occupying space and positions that could be utilized to live life, by those that are willing to consider equality as the tool of stabilizing and thus perfecting who we are. This is the moment when i see that in fact this world is not real. Fact is that 2/3 of who lives in this world makes themselves busy surviving and ... things are not getting better for anyone. They simply sense that that's the right thing to do. Lots of austere people living self-responsible lives surviving everyday, are seen throughout this world, moving acting "as if they knew what they are really doing". Thats is not true when we speak from the perspective of equality. Equality is an annoying word for the austere people. I know see that clearly i see it in me when i am austere about something while defending it as my own individual self-interest. Oh yeah!

But i ask myself... What about individual lives that seem example to everyone? People that are disciplined and live self-responsible lives… and that simply seem in-imputable, the good people good perfect families!? Hold and Behold- what a coincidence! They have money. Looking back; Money is something that never lacked in their lives and in the lives of the ones before them. What does that mean? Those perfected beings live hidden, living their lives not caring about politics/others? As long as it is enough for them, they can enjoy themselves apparently, making examples of how perfect one can be. Having 4, 5, 6 children, and being able to raise them not lacking absolutely anyhing and making themselves feel integrated and secure inside a group, that is the family, becomes an example for all to live. Some simply rebel but that is yet the same point, just in the opposite side as polarity, reacting to external influences that one allows/concedes to others. a.k.a. "example"/reacting to "exemplar living".

What about others  then that do are not born and rose in perfection?
What about those youngsters that see those other families as perfect and want to be like them, not having the money necessary, nor the education, nor the time to get that education. because they are too busy working for their hard-working-self-deserved-reward of minimal wage? Minimal wage that they hold onto the face of others as a flag, as making themselves "someone" that conquered "something that is important" in this world, and thus deserves respect and consideration from others, even though he has no access to real education and knowledge because he is too busy earning his pennies that allow him to have food on the table and shelter, clothes, water, electricity, ... and nothing else... ?

Maybe,.. i mean, maybe here and there, in time, he can have a "quality time" as living "enjoyable moments" once a year perhaps, in vacation period, when... the money is enough. Shouldn't Life be some sort of  "quality time", all the time, for everyone? Such, doing what can be done equally by all without rules of competition and separation as groups with similar interests?!

Why we Humans think that if we are living a life of labor, which is found, (each day slowly but surely) to be slavery? Oh wait yes it’s because we can get a kick out spiting others with the knowledge about the work we do, making a competition out of having a job, to see who is better than the other. By having the best job that can be, we can have the job that we think that is better than others, and in turn, making us more than others. What a sensational feeling that is. Power! Pride! Superiority! Spitefulness! Ecstasy! For some this is what Happiness is.

Jobs that are really required or useful, is something that does not matter overall. It's like saying that; In this world, doing what we must do, is less important than what we like to do. Oh yeah. Individuality protects that form of separation very well. Me with my doings and you with yours... AllCool. Yeah seems we are in fact drunk with this happiness bubble thing. Living inside a perfect family, protects ones individuality so well too. That's Separation!! so... there goes perfection!!
When some say that "Nothing is real" it does not mean that this physical world is not real. What isn't real is the reasons that are behind what we do. They are not real. Not universal. Something that is real is something that is universal. Universal is what we can find, see, verify, everywhere. How are my specific likings, what is real and what is important, if my likings specifically, do not include any consideration for others? My likings usually are set in such a way that i can attack others, i mean, if what i do is seen by me as superior, than i am attacking others. How i stand implies that others have to be less than me. We call this happiness!! LOL

Best to consider that Earth is not a example of what one must be in existence. Consider yes changing IT, and for once and for all, to start really supporting LIFE with participation in it this planet as Life, as living in fact,... for Real.

Lack of money makes you greedy spiteful fearful and abusive.
And so makes too much of it.
All the Best reasons to support a:

domingo, julho 08, 2012

evil vs live - Economy and Finance as Polar Opposites

Here i discuss the popular meanings of the words Economy and Finance.

When we say 'Economy', what we really mean is 'Finance', which is exactly the opposite.

Speaking about a good economy is the same as speaking about finances being good, and finances is the flow and expenditure of money that does not produces anything, yet profit is made.

So, like in a religion money is god and finance is the god practice with the hospices of Economy.

Its a sort of advertising. The word Economy its good for others. It hides the greed of Finance. We repeat it from hearing it like a mantra or chant or meanless story of the buybill that we chant to  when we go to a church to attend the mess.

Guess the religious people attend the "messes" but they don't fix them. Some words don't LIE.

What a mess! The words of good are being "live"d in reverse as "evil", and the words that are bad reveal LIES. 
Another example.
Love is the most effective tool to manipulate and control others, and that's evil. But we call it living.

Guess the truth is always on "the Darkside" of what we see. Problem is that we Naturally never look at it.

Is Human-Nature what is the real Problem/the evil in this world?????

Finance hides greed. Development hides the creation of debt. Debt is created through Greed. Cycle goes on...

quinta-feira, março 01, 2012


Here's a point of forgiveness, in relation how i accept and allowed Love to exist in me.

This intends to explain one of the dimensions of how I existed in terms of Love and Spitefulness and present how one must stand to stop it and stand as Life.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that spitefulness is composed of self-interested polarity creation, based on always wanting needing and desiring to see and experience only the good and positive, while disregarding the negative and bad consequences and outomes it implies.

I realize that those consequences are immediately created once the good and positive is created in everything that involves energy as feelings and emotions of happiness/love related to comparison/judgment or in energy as money, - which is what allows one to live a dignified life - one polarity does not exist without the other, and it is not acceptable that we live in this world doing only what satisfies our own self-interest, while ignoring and not wanting to know what that causes. Our desires are constantly being fed/stimulated with aspects of polarity, - due to the requirements of creation of appeal to what we are known to like, in order to accomplish the success of businesses - and within that we use this world as a validation of what we like and see ourselves free to exist as we please in spite of what makes us happy not always being available equally to all. This happens because of the "energy, being it feelings of Love/Happniess, being it Money, or any of the resources that exist on this planet. that in fact really belong to all, not to just a few. This last ones (Money and Resources) are what is real and are what can be in fact be given equally to all unconditionally. When you give Love that feeling is generated inside you, its you who feels it first, and it is not guaranteed that others can use it to create it themselves inside them. If you give them Money and Resources, then yes they are able to create all the Happyness that they require to live. Love as feelings depends on may factors that are not possible to be equalized immediately among all, besides, most times it depends on beliefs of each ones mind (that is always diferent) along with mind constructions of ideas and perceptions that are culturaly different in the minds of people when they perceive the same existence. So. Love is a word that needs to be redefined. The feelings and emotions will always somehow exist, but can not be valued as we know them today according to the word love/happiness/bliss. Love as a feeling is the motivation to the most negative things. The more intense it is, the more we need it and the harder it is to get. That particularly allows humans to become addicted and dependent on feelings and that is obviously not a preferable way for a human to exist. This is Common sense.

I redefine the word Love to, in me as me, include: Supporting All in this planet to live a dignified life as equals, starting by manifesting equality inside me as stopping allowing my mind to give so much value to the feelings and emotions that I called "of Love", that were based on pictures of who and what i see in this world.

Then yes one can say that one lives Love. We create the point that unites all beings as One, in and as equality in fact, as becoming "ONE" as "Oneness and Equality" as "Life" for Real.

quinta-feira, fevereiro 23, 2012


Economic Growth, has always to do with expenditure growth.
Where is the Economy in that?????
To grow something you have to acumulate it. Financial growth is not possible to be continued because it depends on the limited resources of earth.
Finance is what can be 'grown out of nothing as long as it does not depend on 'what is of the Earth' that is, the natural resources and human labour. The planet earth resources can not be grown back, and human are always available to work, but they can only do that if there is an Planet Earth (with resources) to live in, and with Financial Economy that does is not possible, profits do not allow it. So there must be real savings and real economy of the Planet, which in turn is only possible with the growth of what can be grown without consuming the Planet, which is Money.

domingo, fevereiro 12, 2012

Whitney Houston - She stood as what Every Woman wants. (in a way)

If you look closely at Whitney Houston song lyrics, when she said that she loved someone or that she gave him this or that (related to love), what she was doing in reality was expressing her own self-interested desires wants and needs of the mind of and as EGO.

I would dare to say that: in the song called "I'm Every woman..." she made a collage of herself to this song because, let's face it, her performance in that song was awesome, meaning, she was absolutely aligned with what the song spoke about, and that, was visible on how well and how "good" she performed it; i mean, in that she stood as what all women want need and desire as personality of the mind (ego). Thus, today we realize she lived those words absolutely but also lived the ultimate consequence of accepting and allowing the elevation of thoughts feelings and emotions of the ego, in relation to feelings of love, above what is Real LIFE lived as physical expression of oneself, as her own human physical body, lived in and as common sense of and as equality between all beings in this world, which was (her body's) death.

Check out her song... and read it's lyrics, and see what you think about it!!!

Is love what we think it is?

quinta-feira, janeiro 12, 2012

Corporations 'Specialness' Lies in US All

I have no intention of sounding mean or vicious, but, "ironically" speaking....

Corporations and Banks are so effective that they leave people available to enjoy themselves doing whatever they want wth lots of free time, while they and their employees secretly feel special because they do all the work, which seems something commendable. ( but hides the fact that all they want is to win all the money.) So much for corporations effectiveness and 'specialness', within the context of human evolution... globally we see no facts that can prove that 'specialness'. Something being Natural does not mean that it is Common Sense. Long road ahead in terms of Human Evolution!! We have barely started evolving... for Real!

"Specifically" speaking....

The presentation each one puts in place 'for others to see' specialness, mirrors the desire of each one of being special. Corporations and Banks have this awesomely effective advertising 'machines', that seek out all the weak points of the mind of humans, to seduce them into buying their product.

To hide all that, the 'presentations of self' (self is the corporations, corporations are a symbol of self as you said) commonly use excuses such as saing that their work is beneficial for society when in fact, only self interest is actual verified as doing anything for profit.

The profit represents the individual ego of each one, when each one thinks he needs to be more than others to be respected, because he thinks all think the same. That is the essence of spitefulness.

If we notice how companies have been advertising their initiatives in this world we find that it is common to use such presentations pictures words that appeal to global benefit, but if we look at the world, we see that that benefit never really becomes real.

All this happens due to the starting point of the companies, mirrors the individual self interest. They actually survive based on that. I find this very prominent point in market studies when people want to create a company. Much of the fundings that new companies get, is based on how good are the prospects of getting products selling is, to an not yet explored market (market in this context means, potential consumer group). Never the less one rule of thumb when considering creating a new business is to create something new never seen before, since the ego of man individual adheres a lot to what is new, never seen or accessed used by others before.

Corporative competition is also seen as a legit and perfectly normal/acceptable behavior, since it mirrors exactly how the human's individual mind works in terms of individual survival.

Obviously in all of this, there are some companies that do work that is somehow required and beneficial to all, but much more are the cases where products are only created to satisfy the individuals needs wants and desires of the mind and ego that each each one of us has in his secret mind.