Here's a point of forgiveness, in relation how i accept and allowed Love to exist in me.
This intends to explain one of the dimensions of how I existed in terms of Love and Spitefulness and present how one must stand to stop it and stand as Life.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that spitefulness is composed of self-interested polarity creation, based on always wanting needing and desiring to see and experience only the good and positive, while disregarding the negative and bad consequences and outomes it implies.
I realize that those consequences are immediately created once the good and positive is created in everything that involves energy as feelings and emotions of happiness/love related to comparison/judgment or in energy as money, - which is what allows one to live a dignified life - one polarity does not exist without the other, and it is not acceptable that we live in this world doing only what satisfies our own self-interest, while ignoring and not wanting to know what that causes. Our desires are constantly being fed/stimulated with aspects of polarity, - due to the requirements of creation of appeal to what we are known to like, in order to accomplish the success of businesses - and within that we use this world as a validation of what we like and see ourselves free to exist as we please in spite of what makes us happy not always being available equally to all. This happens because of the "energy, being it feelings of Love/Happniess, being it Money, or any of the resources that exist on this planet. that in fact really belong to all, not to just a few. This last ones (Money and Resources) are what is real and are what can be in fact be given equally to all unconditionally. When you give Love that feeling is generated inside you, its you who feels it first, and it is not guaranteed that others can use it to create it themselves inside them. If you give them Money and Resources, then yes they are able to create all the Happyness that they require to live. Love as feelings depends on may factors that are not possible to be equalized immediately among all, besides, most times it depends on beliefs of each ones mind (that is always diferent) along with mind constructions of ideas and perceptions that are culturaly different in the minds of people when they perceive the same existence. So. Love is a word that needs to be redefined. The feelings and emotions will always somehow exist, but can not be valued as we know them today according to the word love/happiness/bliss. Love as a feeling is the motivation to the most negative things. The more intense it is, the more we need it and the harder it is to get. That particularly allows humans to become addicted and dependent on feelings and that is obviously not a preferable way for a human to exist. This is Common sense.
I redefine the word Love to, in me as me, include: Supporting All in this planet to live a dignified life as equals, starting by manifesting equality inside me as stopping allowing my mind to give so much value to the feelings and emotions that I called "of Love", that were based on pictures of who and what i see in this world.
Then yes one can say that one lives Love. We create the point that unites all beings as One, in and as equality in fact, as becoming "ONE" as "Oneness and Equality" as "Life" for Real.
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