segunda-feira, abril 28, 2008

Learn to read own body II

(Writen in April 2008 - Revised and PUBLISHED on 19 August 2008)

The specifics ... how it "works".

Manifestations of interdimentional mind consciouness systems constructs...

PAIN IN KNEE - Personaly... once i have a pain in my left knee... i see that in the moments before... i have allowed myself to express me according to EGO or consciousness... as a mind fuck... allowing me to express according to defend my EGO ... a simple "lol@someone" doesnt cause it... its a bit more sneaky than that... so... once i see I start to have similar pains... i see that i have in recent "times" allowed some behaviours and attitudes that defined me... and that only seek to defend the EGO... not who I am as life unlimited as expression.

LOWER LEGS - Hotness Redness And Infections

See "Learn to read own body III" post... it complements this present writing:

It is "also" is a ... simpton that ... I am not following programmed stuff in daily life - not doing it
MEaning... i thought i had something to do... but i procrastrinated... but instead of supressing (forgeting and forgetting that I have forgotten) i stay aware of "that" I wanted to do... manifesting in the background "in my mind"...

So... within me... it -> generates a friction of the mind consciousness system ... wanting to do/not doing... wanting to do/not doing ... wanting to do/not doing... It compounds as thoughts .. so much that body wont take no more memories of this thoughts...

Upon this compressing and compounding... "Guilt" cames up... as entrapment... as worrys, self judgdements... of ineficincy etc etc etc,...

So.. all that mind shit will dissipate... if it is still allowed... then Imediatly manifests, the release of that as that "illness".


I noticed that also it in some beings... exteeeeensive!!!!!
A being I know "personaly", has "hotness" (LOL no.. real ºC hotness!!) in the whole body, after moments that he aparently has brainstorms.
He completely ... heats up... and starts to swet... rivers!! One can see the swet drops falling of his face...nose and his cloths wet. To the point, that he must go "out" (example, if he is on a bar) and take coat off, to cool down.... Amazing this guy. This happens to him like ... No Doctors ever here able to tell him what is going on with him. lol... how surprising ("nooot!")!!!

System construct manifested in eye lid... lack of self awareness 'here' - allowed pressure not stoping the thoughts that originate it.

After some weeks, monitoring it... i found it manifest more extensively when I alowed mannerisms ... see:

Cool! to be aware... i had some SF on this already! Some already unfolding.
Thats "Cool"!


Pimples -> Its Supressed anger...
Shin -> Shame i am IN

LOL... havent found this yet... just became clear as I just wrote this...!! :D

Ok... some legacy awareness on this manifestion:
Some specific situations became aware... A sister had it some years ago to... so.. maybe yes... PROCESS is started some years ago... BODY does not tolerate any more anger within... so after she ended up with her BF... in the next day... all pimples...!! hurt pride... etc etc,, the tipical of relationships... (LOL thats topic another post.. its already a draft)

My pimples I have them on base of nose and shin... Nose is base knowledge as the world is defines... so... I would say ... society fundamentals limitation... and shin... its my accpeted nature... as shame! sculpted from situations in teenage years, that made me became a angry . And THAT Anger became me... as my style and way of being... needing to look rough to be considered strong and stable... Out of fear of not being accepted... oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!!

Before process... health body events

Had kidneys sharp intense painsd !!!!!!! FUUUUUUUCK... I jumped! lol it hurted---
Like someone just pinched kidneys...inside... not in skin above it...

Interdimentionaly i came to know that... that acute pains are release.. body releasing memorys ... similar as crying... anyway; Being KIDneys... the affected point... SEE I was acting like... KIDding myself.... allowing me to manifest as behaviours that... not contribute to my self direction and expression witihn my life.


Yep... lol Had it in the right should lately April 2008... It Imediatly stoped... after going to structural resonance documents and take a look to what it relates ... and becoming aware of what points are due to do self forgiveness... so notes taken (on SF notebook text file)

Fears and anxietys also dissipate with SF
ANXIETY IS FEAR... as pain in solax prexus... just below chest and above belly... inside.

Also called movement (energetic remaining feelings) in solar plexus ... those pains and feeling,
will indicate a point that is being overcommed... In breath or by lacking some self-forgiveness
in some very specific but fulcral point... or... layer that is not yet within awareness on process.

My fingers hurt too... but thats because of too much cliking and typing... all day long... lol
I was not yet able to see what points in my life are contributing to this specificaly... althoug i have some suspitions... "LOL" In another topic/post... it will be expounded.

domingo, abril 13, 2008

Learn to read own body

Human body stands-up as life...

So when you use the mind... he warns you.

specific or not...des-eases, illnesses, sorenesses, etc... manifest.
All specific... but... All due to the use of the mind, specific or not.

more on this...

Ahaha.. Ruben.. vloged it also

no-judgement... tool

No judgement every breath of every moment... absolute...

is actualy, THE main tool, to remain "here", not allowing the mind to manifest.

To remain within and as the entirety of "you" -me here as all-, and to enable the being to not direct attention for what is percieved to be the beeingness of being here.

Once you define you here, acording to what you experience you -around you- you are giving up to the mind allowing "her" to manifest as searching for self, within fear of loss (= lose self).

so... it works by not allowing thoughts to take place in mind, those which, either remove your self expression as directing as rationality-of-the-mind , or either manifest feelings in you, that will restrict and constrict your movement, manifesting you as the mind and not as Self.

Self trust... not defines whatever happens and exists, being is not limited.
Self trus.. enables the most free expression of the being -as-life- within the limitation of the physical.

Mind ... searches for definition for everything... its a system... programed to do that, so that the entirety of the being is not realised, not aware, enslaved, puts limits in everything as definition, which add-up to the own limitations of the physical.

so.. as long as no judgement allowed, you express you as in oneness and equality, in the entirety of you-as-all, in existance.

quarta-feira, abril 09, 2008

Cat behaviour is assistance

cat behaviour... affection... need of love... must SF .. yes it worked somehow... if i recall
she mirrors what my mind is trying to manifest when its time to wake up and i felt glued to the bed as needing to feel the body warmth of a girl, if the cat acts all needy then i must look into myself and see what am i feeling, that is the mind.

I still looking at my cat behaviour, to be aware of what she says to me... not only when getting up.

Animals seem to unconditionaly stand up in assiting humans...

but the nuances in their behaviour-changes are so slick... we tend to see it as them,
when really they are mirroring what is accepted and allowed by us humans.

example: i walk through the corridor... the cat in her crazyness puts herself in positions that
i am able to step over risk of braking her a leg, or kicking her inadvertly and really hurt her body, in facing this i can see the reactions within me as feelings... the caring, worrying, the anger, the irritation, bulding up, the fear of her presence,. in jumping in front of what ever i want to do, she is putting her self in my way, wow this phrase is so revealing... she puts her self in my way, to make stop something...
clearly STOP the mind... thus... she sees much more clearly in life transcendence of oneness and equality, because not havving a mind blinding her expression and awareness, so she see´s what i accept and allow as my mind consciousness system to manifest as thoughts and feelings ... much better than i do.

So Matilde... (i would have called you Helena if you were not my mom and sister cat,... ahaha)
i direct my attention to your presence. It prevents me to allow the mind of thougths to manifest, and i thank you for you support as a cat.

sábado, abril 05, 2008

Polarity frictions... hidden sub and unconsciousness


still a big issue... on work... the expression must be unconditional...

in relationships too... forgiveness all the time some thought or feeling strikes.
self in reactions to female body still, nothing must be seen as separation. And needs, and desires, in projected self in future, also those projections manifesting here as starting point, thus separation of self, in expectations, and formated social accepted needs and goals as enslavement and manifestation of the mind.

Not easy to describe what was accepted and allowed for, as i was explained, my body was showing me points of the subcounscious and uncounsciousness that still here with me, not allowing me to stand up in self honesty. In this dimentional help, was of great assistance. The mind is so limited in reading the body.

Self trust, as being here as the breath, is of great assistance to go through this fases, is the key to stand up, not allowing the mind to manifest.


Ok... letting be aware -as self- that dreams presently represent something that requires
one attention, as something in the beings world that must be directed.

Either the dreams are manifested by dimentions as dimentional help or mind as self standing up.

Either way the show to the being what self must direct in forgiveness and/or what must be self movement to suport self.

Each of the intervient separated manifestations, identified in the dream, is one point where the being as a oportunity to be self honest, standing up as stoping the mind of thoughts and feeling and emotions, and whatever might suport the being in self movement, and suport.

This is my awareness of what desteni exposed about dreams...
"heaven" changed, and dreams are not presently manifesting the mind as programing of the being into enslavement of self below layers of consciouness.

sexta-feira, abril 04, 2008

What is here... (?)

So... forget minding what you must do... self!!!

The only way to be self honest... is not to forget what self-honesty is... in oneness and equality... lol

A way to deal with it ism to deal with whatever we must the moment... and live moment after moment.

I come saying this... mostly for the strugle created by the compromises within work and schedules.

The procrastination --as mind act-- manifested extensively by design, that is what i accepted and allowed me to become -- but as presently it is in my control - as self control - and one must not be live as in past within the mind consciousness system as blamming what was lived and experienced when being birthed and rased as a mind consciousness system --" and what a mess!!!" those system are prone to, just look at drug addicts-- so... working my ass out, eliminating procrastination seems a break-through the mind barrier.

The directive principle to this situation... not broadening within i have here in my moments presently, is to go through work and standing up, but mainly do it from the starting point of expression, not regarding wonderings what might happen if i dont do it... as it will be fear of loss, as in fear of losing clients which is fear of losing self by not having money, and fear of not having love because of not having money...

so between doing the work as self expression... and looking closely in what i ever done clearly as self expression it ( looking at... from a self-honesty and oneness with-what-i-was-doing, perspective), there are some diferences, so for now will express with no thought, as much as possible, and see how goes self honesty within a required expression, but eventualy i will become what i see is my native self expression, as long as the starting points are equal and one, with the expression i did as a child when my mind system was not fully developed and infused.

Other points to look at will be how that expression suports this fucked up world we live in.
seems quite castrating point, and something that will supress expression, so in process, will
forgive as much i am able to pin point. But i am not willing to be limited to what my mind expressed as me in this world until now. That is not acceptable.

If i require support, i see dimentional help, and not yet being a portal, but there are other ways o comunicate interdimentionaly, where i can see me from dimentions, and direct me as what my mind might be manifesting... ultimately everyone will do this in self trust in the physical, for the physical is transcended when the mind is not present, and each one of us, as self has the hability to direct self as physical, manifested being.

Life directs
I am life.
I am one and equal with everything and everyone in existence.
I am not limited by the mind constructs.
I express.
I am the moment.
I am here.

A post about timeloops ... is next eventualy... as Self process takes place.
Timeloops wont be allowed.